sexta-feira, junho 07, 2013

3.ªs Jornadas Nacionais: “Os Aspetos ético-jurídicos da infeção VIH/SIDA”
Lisboa, Auditório do INFARMED
8 de maio de 2013

Centro de Direito Biomédico,
Fundação Portuguesa "A Comunidade Contra a SIDA"

“Prevenção, Educação, Tratamento e Não Discriminação do VIH/SIDA em contexto de Austeridade”


1)    No estado atual da infeção VIH/SIDA em Portugal, o reforço das estratégias globais de prevenção no espaço público têm de ser acompanhadas de campanhas e programas específicos dirigidos a populações vulneráveis.
2)    A administração central e local tem a responsabilidade política de aprofundar todas as formas de articulação com a sociedade civil que garantam o acesso aos meios de diagnóstico, acompanhamento e tratamento das pessoas em risco de contrair o VIH ou que já vivem com a infeção em qualquer dos seus estadios.
3)    As políticas de austeridade não podem suspender o direito à saúde das pessoas infetadas pelo VIH/SIDA, nem pôr em risco a qualidade dos indicadores de saúde atingidos pela sociedade portuguesa, antes melhorá-los, usando, para o efeito, de todos os meios científicos, técnicos e organizacionais para aperfeiçoar a gestão da saúde, sem submeter os princípios éticos e clínicos a medidas avulsas de racionamento administrativo. Assim, os programas de sustentabilidade na prática clínica não podem colocar em causa a eficácia e a qualidade do tratamento e o acesso equitativo e sem discriminações.
4)    As ações de prevenção realizadas nas escolas têm-se revelado muito positivas. O facto da sociedade portuguesa ter consensualizado que todas as crianças e jovens, independentemente da sua idade e condição social, têm direito a uma educação escolar que lhes proporcione o desenvolvimento global e harmonioso da sua personalidade e lhes garanta as ferramentas necessárias às decisões sobre os seus projetos de vida, obriga a que escolas e docentes sejam dotados de todos os recursos e oportunidades para implementar os projetos de promoção da saúde e de educação sexual em articulação com as instituições da comunidade.
5)    Os projetos de Educação pelos Pares, como o que tem sido desenvolvido pela Fundação Portuguesa ”A Comunidade Contra a SIDA”, têm mostrado como a educação em sexualidade, desde que cientificamente informada, adequada aos destinatários, realizada de forma coerente e sistemática, metodologicamente motivante e socialmente relevante, tem contribuído para promover atitudes responsáveis e esclarecidas relativamente à saúde e à cidadania.
6)    No plano social e jurídico, importa manter uma permanente campanha contra a discriminação, em especial no trabalho e no acesso aos seguros, sendo de realçar e louvar o papel que as associações de doentes têm tido no sentido de denunciar as práticas ilícitas e de dar apoio às vítimas desses atos discriminatórios.
7)    A investigação com seres humanos e os ensaios clínicos de medicamentos devem ser incrementados em condições de segurança e com respeito pelos direitos dos participantes, devendo exigir-se uma maior transparência no que respeita aos conflitos de interesses dos vários intervenientes.

Coimbra International Symposium:
Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine: updated or outdated?
André Pereira

The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine was approved by the Council of Europe, in Oviedo, in April 1997. It regulates biomedical law and aims the harmonization of European human rights and principles. The message is clear: science and technology is a just a means to serve the human person and not a goal in itself. Therefore, Law and Ethics shall regulate the use of technology and not the other way around.
The Oviedo Convention has been correctly called as the European Constitution of Medical Law and fourteen years after its approval this International Document is of paramount importance in the legal debate in medical law, as more countries ratify it. As we write, 28 countries have done so and France is in the procedure of ratifying it.
Last 11th and 12th July took place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) an International Symposium about this Convention. This symposium was organized by Dr. André Pereira of the Centre for Biomedical Law and it was included as a second part of the European Summer Course on Health Law and Bioethics of the University of Toulouse – III, organized by Prof. Anne-Marie Duguet. The Executive Committee of the WAML has endorsed and co-sponsored this program and several Governors and members of the WAML participated in this Symposium. Moreover, President Noguchi gave a speech (by video), introducing the role of the WAML.
The issues that were analyzed and discussed match with the chapters of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine: Principles, Informed consent, Private life and right to information, Human genome, Assisted reproduction technologies, Scientific research, Organ and tissue removal from living donors for transplantation purposes, Prohibition of financial gain and disposal of a part of the human body and Infringements of the provisions of the convention.
The success of the Symposium was due to the quality of the speakers, of which 19 were women and 8 were men. The audience was highly motivated. Including the speakers and chairpersons, there were more around 80 participants. This gives us hope of a strong development of Medical Law with this enthusiastic group and other young colleagues. There were participants coming from more than 10 Countries (Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Check Republic, Ukraine, Brazil, United States and Mauritius).
It has also been stressed the atmosphere of free thinking and fraternal academic debate, which enables participants to argue in tolerance conflicting views about sensitive bioethical issues. That is, in our opinion, the greatest strength of the University and shall remain so.
The Organizing Committee, after debating with the speakers of the Symposium, and the members of the Executive Committee of the WAML, reached the following statement:
Final Statement:
1.     The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine has played a major role in the development of Medical Law in these last 14 years and is becoming a ius commune in most European Countries. Therefore, more ratification procedures of the Convention and its Additional Protocols by State Parties should be encouraged and the continuation of the work concerning development and approval of other Protocols should be supported.
2.     The principles of Human dignity, Integrity of the Human person; Transparency (of medical treatment and medical research); Equity in access to health services and Prohibition of financial gains from sale of the human body or its parts are paramount in European Bioethics and should be promoted by the Council of Europe and the State Parties.
3.     The Symposium contributions propose new interpretations and demand a permanent debate about the coherence of the Convention and the community expectations in the field of bioethics, namely in areas like Assisted Reproduction Technologies, Genetic tests, Data protection, Living wills, End-of-life decisions and Law enforcement.
4.     The public debate of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine ought to be encouraged. Notably graduate students in Law, Philosophy, Bioethics, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Life Sciences and other relevant areas should learn and debate the text of the Oviedo Convention and its additional Protocols. Only through education and debate can there be an informed society and a true democratic choice.
5.     The Prohibition of financial gains or comparable advantage from the human body should be reaffirmed, notably in the field of surrogate motherhood, donation of organs and tissues and in the area of research with human tissues. In order to clarify the balance between the protection of human beings and the advance of science and technology, an additional Protocol concerning prohibition of financial gains from the human body should be enacted. Human genome, as such, is a Common Good of Humanity and should remain Intellectual Property free.
6.     The Council of Europe should promote Symposiums in order to debate each article of the Convention, with a perspective of each State Party and the means of implementation. A report on the evolution of the implementation should be published regularly; the collaboration of Academic institutions should be encouraged for this purpose.

quarta-feira, junho 05, 2013

Curriculum Vitae
André Gonçalo Dias Pereira

Centre for Biomedical Law
Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra

1)    Personal Data
André Gonçalo Dias Pereira
-       Born: 3 June 1974, Coimbra, Portugal
-       Adress: Rua António José de Almeida, 214, 2, 3000-042 Coimbra - Portugal

2)    Summary
·      André Dias PEREIRA graduated in Law at the University of Coimbra: awarded Prof. Manuel de Andrade for best student (1992-1997).
·      Attended courses of law in Göttingen (1996), Utrecht (1999) and Helsinki (2000).
·      Post-graduation in Medical Law (1999)
·      Post-graduation in Civil Law (2002)
·      Master’s Thesis: "Informed Consent in Patient-Doctor Relationship" (2003).
·      Awaits public defense of the PhD about Medical Liability and Patient’s Rights (foreseen January 2014)-
·      His languages skills, besides his mother language (Portuguese), include fluency in English, Spanish, German and French.
·      Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Coimbra (Portugal),
·      Member of Direction of the Centre for Biomedical Law,
·      Treasurer and Member of the Executive Committee of the World Association for Medical Law
·      Fellow of ECTIL (European Centre on Tort and Insurance Law - Vienna, Austria),
·      Invited Professor at the Summer School on European Private Law (Salzburg, Austria);
·      Invited Professor at the Summer School on Medical Law (Toulouse,  France)
·      Vice-President of the Institutional Review Board of AIBILI.
·      Member of the Council of Bioethcis of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics
·      Member of the IBMC-INEB Animal Ethics Committee (Oporto)
·      Member of the National Council of Ethics for Life Sciences

André Pereira is one of the leading scholars in the field of Medical and Health Law in Portugal. In a summary presentation, it shall be mentioned that:
Pereira has been invited as Speaker in Conferences, Master courses, PhD courses and Seminars all over the country (over 150 conferences, classes and seminars in Portugal), including twice at the Portuguese Parliament (in 2004 and in 2009) He has been invited as Speaker and Professor in several European countries (Spain, France, Germany, Austria, England, Belgium, Estonia), and in other Continents: in Brazil, Macao and Japan (over 80 conferences and classes abroad), including at the Council of Europe;

Dr. André Pereira is member of several editorial boards of Law Journals
o   Editor of the Lex Medicinae – Portuguese Journal of Medical and Health Law (Revista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde) (since its foundation in 2004)
o   Member of the Editorial Board of the Portuguese Journal of Body Damage (Revista Portuguesa de Dano Corporal) (since 2005)
o   Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Law & Sport (Revista Direito & Desporto) (since 2006)
o   Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Medical and Health Law in Brazil (Revista de Direito Médico e da Saúde) (Brasil) (since 2006)
o   “National correspondent” of the European Journal of Health Law (since 2010)

3)    Academic career
André Pereira graduated in Law at the University of Coimbra in 1998. He received the Prize Manuel de Andrade for Best Student of Law in the course of 1992-1997 of the Faculty of Law of Coimbra.
He attended courses abroad in Göttingen (1996/97 – Erasmus Program), Utrecht (1993 [Dutch society & Culture] and 1999 [Medical Law]), Helsinki (2000 [Medical Law]) and Salzburg (2003 [European Private Law]).
At the beginning of his academic career, he completed:
-       Post-graduation in Medical law (1999) with the mark “Very Good”;
-       Post-graduation in Civil Law (2002) with the mark “Very Good”.
He defended the thesis “Informed Consent within the Patient-Doctor Relationship” in 2003 and was awarded Prize Prof. Manuel de Andrade for the Best Thesis in Civil Law at the University of Coimbra, in 2003. The thesis is the academic equivalent to a German “Doktorarbeit.”
The thesis was published in 2004:
Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias, O Consentimento Informado na Relação Médico-Paciente. Estudo de Direito Civil, Publicações do Centro de Direito Biomédico, 9, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2004 (700 pp.).

4)    Language Skills:
His languages skills, besides his mother language (Portuguese), include fluency in English (very good), French (very good), Spanish (good) and German (good).

5)    Professional activities

o   Professor Assistant of Law at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) (since 1998)
o   Scientific Secretary of the Centre for Biomedical Law (University of Coimbra, Portugal) (since 1999)
o   Researcher at Coimbra's University Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20 (University of Coimbra, Portugal) (since 2009)
o   Legal consultant in the area of Health Law and Civil Law

6)    Teaching experience
André Pereira has taught (in) the following courses:

a)    Bachelors Degree:
1998-2000 – Law of Obligations – University Moderna (Oporto and Beja)
1999-2000 – Contract Law – University Moderna (Oporto)
1999-2000 – Law of Warranties – University Moderna (Oporto)
1999-2001 – Criminal Law – Faculty of law, University of Coimbra
1999-2004 – Property Law – Faculty of law, University of Coimbra
2000-2004 – Ethics, Deontology and Medical Law – Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra
2002-2003 – General Theory of Civil Law – Faculty of law, University of Coimbra
2003-2007 – Ethics, Deontology and Medical Law – Faculty of Medicine, University of Beira Interior
2005-2006 – Law of Obligations – Faculty of law, University of Coimbra
2009-2010 – Law of Obligations – Faculty of law, University of Coimbra

b)    Post-graduation degree :
2000-2003 – Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law – Centre for Municipal Studies (Coimbra)
2001 – Medical LawSuperior Course in Legal and Forensic Medicine – National Institute on Forensic Medicine - Azores
2002 – Medical LawSuperior Course in Legal and Forensic Medicine – National Institute on Forensic Medicine - Azores
2001-2005 – Post-graduation in Medical Law – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2002 – Medical LawSuperior Course in Legal and Forensic Medicine – National Institute on Forensic Medicine - Coimbra
2003 – Post-graduation in Forensic Sexology - University Autónoma, Lisbon
2003 – 2010 – Post-graduation in Drug and Pharmaceutical Law – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2003- 2005 – Post-graduation in Consumer Law, DECO, Assotiation for Consumer Protection, Coimbra
2004 – Medical LawPost-graduation in Health Care Units Management – Catholic University (Coimbra)
2004 - Medical LawMaster’s in Health Administration - High Institute Miguel Torga - Coimbra
2004 – Post-graduation in Biomedicine – Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra
2004 – Medical LawSuperior Course in Legal and Forensic Medicine – National Institute on Forensic Medicine – Madeira
2005 – Post-graduation in Medical Law – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, in Azores
2004-2006 – Post-graduation in Registry and Notary Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2006 – Post-graduation in Professional Sports, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra           
2005-2010 – Post-graduation in Medical Responsibility – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2005-2010 – Post-graduation in Informed Consent - Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2006 – Post-graduation in Genetics & Law – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2007 – Post-graduation in Reproductive Law – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2008 and 2010 – Post-graduation in Law of Bioethics and Medicine - Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon
2008 – Post-graduation in Medical Liability – University Portucalense, Oporto
2009 – Post-graduation in Clinical Trials and Research with Human Beings – Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra
2009  – Post-graduation in Forensic Sciences and Technologies – Politecnic Institute of Lisbon
2009 – Post-graduation in Forensic Sciences for Nurses, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
2009 – Health Law, Biolaw and Bioethics – Judges Association/ Centre for Social Sciences – Lisbon
2009 – Post-graduation in Trauma – Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

c)     Master’s Degree:
2004 – Master’s in Law, State University of Maringá, Brazil,
2007 – Master’s Course in Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, University of Lisbon
2007 – Master’s Course in Legal Medicine and Forensic Medicine, University of Coimbra
2007 – Master’s in Transplantation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra
2009 – Master’s Course in Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, University of Lisbon
2009 – Master’s Course in Legal Medicine and Forensic Medicine, University of Coimbra
2010 – Master’s Course in Health Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

d)    PhD degree:
2006, 2007, 2008, GABBA: Ethics, Science & Society, PhD Program in Areas of Basic and Applied Biology, University of Oporto
2008, PhD Course in Bioethics – Catholic University, Oporto
2009, PhD in Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra

7)    International Conferences
Pereira has been invited internationally for papers, lectures and seminars. He has given lectures in Austria, Belgium, England, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Netherlands and Spain; outside Europe he has spoken in Brazil, China (Macao) and Japan:
·      November 1998, "European Group on Tort Law", Faculty of Law, University of Vienna Austria;
·      April 1999, “Forschungsfreiheit und Forschungskontrolle in der Medizin”, University of Göttingen, Germany;
·      17 June 2000, Lisbon, “Genetic tests: free or compulsory?”, “Issues in Human GenEthics”, Portuguese Society of Human Genetics and British Council;
·      19 – 24 September 2000, “Symposium” “The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe: a Suitable Model for a World-Wide Regulation?” – “Das Menschenrechtsübereinkommen zur Biomedizin des Europarates – taugliches Vorbild für eine weltweitgeltende Regelung?”, in Heidelberg, organized by the “Institut für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universität Heidelberg und Mannheim”;
·      10 September 2001, Intensive Course on Medical Law: “The duty of care in English Law”, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra;
·      5 February 2002, “Dilemmas of Sterilization of Minors and Incapable Adults (with severe mental illness): The Portuguese Experience” “Ethics Education in Medical Schools”, Eilat - Israel, 4-7 February 2002, organized by the International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, University of Haifa, School of Law and the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics;
·      5 April 2002, “Portuguese Tort Law 2001”, First Annual Conference on European Tort Law – Developments of Tort Law in Europe 2001, Vienna, Austria;
·      August 2002, “The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine and Its influence on the Portuguese Law”, 14th World Congress on Medical Law, Maastricht, The Netherlands;
·      1 November 2002, “Trafficking of Human Organs”, Thessaloniki, Greece, (Programme FALCONE, European Commission): “Portuguese Law concerning Organ Transplantation and Trafficking of Human Organs”;
·      21  March 2003: “Die Klinische Prüfung in der Medizin – europäische Regelungswerke auf dem Prüfstand”, Regensburg, Germany, “Clinical Trials in Portugal”;
·      25 Abril 2003: “Portuguese Tort Law 2002”, Second Annual Conference on European Tort Law – Developments of Tort Law in Europe 2002, Vienna, Austria, ECTIL (European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law);
·      22 August 2003, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil: “Medical Liability in Europe” (“Responsabilidade Médica na Europa”), 1st Brazilian Congress on Health Risks Administration.
·      4-12 September 2003: Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg, Austria, “The Portuguese Legal System”, Summer Course on European Private Law;
·      17- 20 September 2003, Múrcia (Spain): III Congreso Latinoamericano de Derecho Medico – II Congesso Iberoamericano de Medicina Legal: “Dever de Documentação, Acesso ao Processo Clínico e a Propriedade do Processo Clínico”.
·      13 November 2003, São Paulo, Brasil, “Responsabilidade civil dos Profissionais e Instituições de Saúde na Europa – Visão histórica, dias actuais e futuro”, Seminário Internacional Risco Legal em Saúde.
·      2 March 2004, Portuguese Parliament, Seminar “Genoma Humano: Problemas e Desafios”, organizado pela Comissão de Assuntos Constitucionais, Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias, com a comunicação: “Utilização do genoma humano – problemas de discriminação no trabalho”.
·      3 April 2004, Ponta Delgada: III.º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Bioética: “A investigação com animais: o especismo das Comissões de Ética”.
·      16 April 2004, Vienna, ECTIL: Third Annual Conference on European Tort Law: “Portuguese Report 2003”.
·      23-24 de April 2004, Co-organizer of the International Congress on Medical Liability, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, and Speaker: “Responsabilidade Civil por Violação do Dever de Informação.”
·      27-28 April 2004, Essex, United Kingdom: EU-China Meeting on Health Law and Social Security: “HIV/AIDS – Legal Aspects”.
·      29 April 2004, MABLE Master in Biotechnology Law and Ethics, Sheffield University, UK, “European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine – its influence on Portuguese Law”.
·      17 June 2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: “O Consentimento Informado na Europa”, no 1.º Congresso Médico-Jurídico Brasileiro;
·      18 June 2004, São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil: “A Crise do Estado Contemporâneo e os Direitos Sociais”, no IV Congresso Internacional de Direito do Trabalho no Maranhão: Protecção ao Trabalho e Direitos Sociais no Mundo Globalizado;
·      22 June 2004, Londrina, Brasil: Palestra sobre o “Responsabilidade Civil do Médico”, organizado pelo Instituto Paranaense de Relações Internacionais;
·      September 2004, Salzburg, Summer Course on European Private Law: “Introduction to Portuguese Legal System”;
·      20 and 27 October 2004, “Tort Law in Portugal”, ECTIL, Vienna, Austria.
·      8 and 9 November 2004, The Hague: EU-CHINA DIALOGUE SEMINAR ON HUMAN RIGHTS: “Stigma and discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS in the workplace, in health care facilities, in accessing treatment, and in society: Topics for discussion.”
·      11 de Dezembro de 2004: Foz do Iguaçú, Brasil: conferencista no Congresso Anual do Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná: “Novos desafios da Responsabilidade médica”.
·      19 de Janeiro de 2005: Aula na Juristische Fakultät der Universität Salzburg, na cadeira Vergleichendes Recht (Prof. Dr. J.M. Rainer): “Einführung in das portugiesische Recht“.
·      1 de Abril de 2005, Viena: Fourth Annual Conference on European Tort Law, “Portuguese Tort Law 2004”.
·      30 Abril - 8 May 2005: University of Tartu, Estonia: 1- Introduction to Portuguese Private Law; 2 – The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine: its influence in Portuguese Law; 3 – Medical Liability in Portugal; 4 – Tort Law and Medical Liability in Portugal in a Comparative perspective.
·      2 and 3 June 2005: “Invited Scholar” Seminar “Tort Liability and Culture”, "Friendly and informal seminar" organized by the Observatory of European and Comparative Private Law of the University of Girona on the occasion of Professor Marshall S. Shapo's lectures.
·      19, 20 and 21 July 2005: Consentimento Informado; Implicações Jurídicas do Conhecimento do Genoma Humano, Terapia Génica e Clonagem e Wrongful birth e Wrongful life no Curso Intensivo de Direito Médico (CDB- Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná).
·      6-18 September 2005: Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg: Summer Course on European Private Law, “Introduction to Portuguese Law”;
·      14-15 October 2005: University of Bremen – Zerp (Zentrum für europäisches Rechtspolitik) – “Protection from Unfair Suretyships in the European Union.”
·      21, 22 and 23 November 2005: “Forensic Genetics, Medical Ethics & Law, Criminalistics, Toxicology & Forensic Anthropology” ‑  “European Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Medicine”, Office on Missing Persons and Forensics, (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo), in Kosovo:
§  (1) Medical Ethics and Medical Law: principles of bioethics, the doctor-patient relationship, patient’s rights. Medical Liability: criminal law, disciplinary law, civil law, tort law, contract law. Liability of public hospitals; liability of private doctors.
§  (2) Informed Consent: capacity to consent, duty to inform, duty to obtain consent, refusal of treatment.
§  (3) Medical Malpractice: requisites of medical liability (wrongful act, causation, fault, damage). Burden of proof. No-fault liability – an exception in tort law systems. No-fault systems (Scandinavian countries). Mixed systems (France, Belgium).
§  (4) Medical Confidentiality: relaxation of the rule, confidentiality and the legal process, patient access to medical records, the patient’s remedies. The donation of organs and transplantation: the living donor, cadaver donations.
§  (5) Biomedical human research and experimentation: ethical codes, research, the design of experiments, informed consent, institutional Review Boards. The body as property: property in living human material and in cadavers/cadaver tissues. Intellectual property law and the human body.
·      21 April 2006, Vienna, “Portuguese Tort Law 2005” Fifth Annual Conference on European Tort Law;
·      9 June 2006, Guarda, Centro de Estudos Ibéricos, O Direito e a Cooperação Ibérica, “Responsabilidade Civil dos Médicos”.
·      18 July 2006, Ius Gentium Conimbrigae: Summer Course “The European Court of Human Rights - Procedure, Leading Cases and Impact”: “The Right to Life”;
·      8 August 2006, Toulouse, France, Congrès Mondial de Droit Médical: “Advanced Directives: Binding or Merely Indicative?”
·      September 2006, Salzburg, Summer Course on European Private Law: “Introduction to Portuguese Legal System”;
·      30 September 2006, EuroGenTest, International Conference European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME): “New Pathways for European Bioethics” (September 28 – 30 2006), Leuven, Belgium: “The influence of the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine in Portuguese Law.”
·      31 January - 2 February 2007, Rome, Public Health Genomics (PHGEN).
·      13 April 2007, Vienna, Sixth Annual Conference on Tort Law, “Portuguese Tort Law 2006”.
·      19-21 April 2007, London, European Seminar “Legislation and Judicial Systems in Relation to HIV and AIDS”: “HIV/AIDS, insurances and financial services”;
·      21, 22 e 23 June 2007, Porto, Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida: III Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences Congress/ V Latin-American Congress of Medical Law/ III Iberian Congress of Legal Medicine. Member of the scientif Council of the Congress and Speaker: “Professional responsibility of the medical expert”.
·      13 July 2007, Universidade Meijou (Nagoya, Japan): “Portuguese Tort Law in a European Comparative Perspective.”
·      18 July 2007, Universidade Meiji-Gakuin (Tokyo, Japan): “Portuguese Civil Law: tort law, principles of contract law and transfer of title.”
·      24 July 2007, University of Osaka, Japan: “A Lei Portuguesa de Procriação Medicamente Assistida (Lei Nº 32/2006, de 26 de Julho).
·      10-15 September 2007, Summer Course on European Private Law: “Introduction to Portuguese Law”; “Transfer of title in Portuguese Law”; “Breach of Contract in Portuguese Law”; “Workshop on transfer of title in Europe”; “Workshop on breach of contract in Europe.”
·      27-28 November 2007, University of Valladolid, Spain: Introdución al Derecho Privado Portugués, História del Derecho Privado Europeo (Prof. Dr. Javier de los Mozos).
·      30 November 2007, Segóvia, Introdución al Derecho Privado Portugués, (Curso de Filosofia del Derecho, Prof. Pedro Herrero), University of Valladolid.
·      23-25 January 2008, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom, “Public Health Genomics”.
·      29 march 2008, Vienna, Austria, Seventh Annual Conference on European Tort Law, Portuguese Tort Law 2007”.
·      25 April - 1 May 2008, University of Tartu, Estonia: “Introduction to Portuguese Private Law”; “Research with human beings and clinical trials”
·      2 June 2008, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, The ever Growing Challenge of Medical Liability: What National and European Responses? “Existing challenges in medical liability: causation, burden of proof and the informed consent.”
·      30 June - 12 July 2008, Salzburg, Austria, Summer Course on European Private Law, “Introduction to Portuguese Private Law: transfer of title and breach of contract”; Introduction to Portuguese Private Law;
·      15-22 July 2008, Macao (China), Centre of Legal and Judiciary Studies: Sigilo Médico”; “Desafios da Responsabilidade Médica: consentimento informado, ónus da prova e causalidade”.
·      31 July 2008, Recife, Brazil: I.º Fórum Internacional de Bioética e Direito Médico: “Medicina Defensiva.
·      21 August 2008, São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil: Congresso Internacional do Tribunal do Trabalho: “Discriminação das pessoas que vivem com o HIV/AIDS”.
·      1-5 September 2008, Osaka, Japan, “Advances in Legal Medicine”: “The solidarity of the human cadaver in Portugal.”
·      17-21 October 2008, Beijing, 17th World Congress on Medical Law, “HIV/Aids and Discrimination in the Workplace: the Cook and the Surgeon Living with HIV.”
·      3-7 October 2008, Mokra Gora, Serbia, Seminar “Improvement of Social Position of PLHIV”.
·      26-28 November 2008, Istambul, Turkey, Final Conference of the Public Health Genomics European Network (PHGEN);
·      5-6 January 2009, University of Kyoto, Japan, Réseau Universitaire International de Bioéthique: “Workshop Internacional: L’adolescent et l’acte médical”;
·      4 February 2009, Portuguese Parliament, Lisbon, “HIV and Law”;
·      1-4 April 2009, Göttingen, Germany, „Symposion: Die Implementierung der GCP-Richtlinie in der EU und ihre Ausstrahlungswirkung,“ “Clinical Trials in Portugal”;
·      16 April 2009, Coimbra, Colóquio Internacional As novas questões em torno da vida e da morte em direito penal. Uma perspectiva integrada. “Declarações Antecipadas de Vontade: meramente indicativas ou vinculativas?”
·      17 April 2009, Vienna, 8th Annual Conference on European Tort Law, „Portuguese Tort Law 2008.”
·      30 June - 8 July 2009, Salzburg, Summer Course on European Private Law: “Introduction to Portuguese Private Law”.
·      9 April 2010, Vienna, 9th Annual Conference on European Tort Law, „Portuguese Tort Law 2009.”
·      27-28 May 2010, Faculté de droit de Rennes, Workshop pluridisciplinaire international : « Les proches et la fin de vie médicalisée », « Les proches et la fin de vie médicalisée : un approche juridique portugais ».
·      18 June 2010, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, “As tabelas de avaliação do dano corporal”;
·      1 July 2010, Law School of the University of Coimbra/ Ius Gentium Conimbrigae (Human Rights Centre), Post-Graduate Summer Seminar on HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE 21st CENTURY: “Patient’s Rights in Europe.”
·      4 - 10 July 2010, Toulouse, Université d’été en droit médical, « Informed Consent » ; « Living Will »
·      14 July 2010, Lisbon, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon: “O Consentimento Informado no Final de Vida.”

8)    International teaching affiliations

o   Fellow of ECTIL (European Centre on Tort and Insurance Law - Vienna, Austria),
o   Invited Professor at the Summer School on European Private Law (Salzburg, Austria);
o   Invited Professor at the Summer School on Medical Law (Toulouse, France);

9)    Bioethics committees
André Pereira is strongly engaged in the field of health law and bioethics in his own country, being a member of several health law and bioethics committees and Non Governmental Organizations:
o   Supervisor of the Portuguese Foundation “Community Against AIDS” (NGO);
o   Vice-President of the Institutional Review Board of AIBILI (Coimbra, Portugal);
o   Former member of the National Council of Forensic Medicine;
o   Member of the Council of Bioethics of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics;
o   Member of the IBMC-INEB Animal Ethics Committee (Oporto);
o   Elected member of the National Council of Ethics for Life Sciences.

10) Research abroad
André Pereira has been abroad doing research as invited Scholar at:
-       Roger Williams University School of Law ( August 2003, Rhode Island - USA),
-       European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law/Research Unit for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna (October-December 2004, Austria)
-       Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg (January 2005, Austria),
-       Institute for German, European and International Medical Law, Public Health Law and Bioethics (IMGB) (December 2008-January 2009, Germany) and
-       Faculty of law of the University of Salamanca (2009, Spain)

11) International Networks in the field of Medical Law
Pereira is member of in the following networks at international level, in the field of Health Law:
-       Réseau multidisciplinaire méditerranéen de recherche en éthique, déontologie médicale et droit de la santé (Toulouse)
-       Réseau Universitaire International de Bioéthique
-       Public Health Genomics (PHGEN)
-       EU-China Human Rights Network (2004 and 2005)

In the field of tort law and human rights:
-       European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law
-       Fundamental Rights and Private Law in the European Union

Pereira has taken part as invited speaker in conferences organized by the following networks:
In Spain, Portugal and Latin America:
-       Asociación Latino Iberoamericana del Derecho a la Salud
-       SIDEME - Sociedad Iberoamericana de Derecho Médico
-       APEDIMES - Associação Pernambucana de Direito Médico e da Saúde
In Germany:
- Institute for German, European and International Medical Law, Public Health Law and Bioethics (Heidelberg (2000), Regensburg (2003), Göttingen (2009)
In Austria:
o   European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law/Research Unit for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2020) – Annual Conference on European Tort Law

12) Editorial activities
André Pereira is very engaged in publishing articles and supervising journals. He is member of the following editorial boards:

13) List of publications:




  1. Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias, O Consentimento Informado na Relação Médico-Paciente. Estudo de Direito Civil, Publicações do Centro de Direito Biomédico, 9, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2004 (700 pp.).

Book Editor:
  1. Duque, Vítor Manuel Jorge/ Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias (Ed.), A infecção VIH e o Direito, 2010.

Chapters of Books

  1. Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias, “A protecção Jurídica da Família Migrante”, in: J.J. Gomes Canotilho (Coord.), Direitos Humanos, Estrangeiros, Comunidades Migrantes e Minorias, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 2000, pp. 81-100.
  2. — “Garantias Processuais e Acesso ao Direito e aos Tribunais – a protecção específica dos estrangeiros”, in: J.J. Gomes Canotilho (Coord.), Direitos Humanos, Estrangeiros, Comunidades Migrantes e Minorias, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 2000, pp. 201-220.
  3. — “Estrangeiros e Direito Penal”, in: J.J. Gomes Canotilho (Coord.), Direitos Humanos, Estrangeiros, Comunidades Migrantes e Minorias, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 2000, pp. 251-272.
  4. — “Comité Europeu para a Prevenção da Tortura e das Penas ou Tratamentos Desumanos ou Degradantes”, in: J.J. Gomes Canotilho (Coord.), Direitos Humanos, Estrangeiros, Comunidades Migrantes e Minorias, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 2000, pp. 273-282.
  5. — “O dever de esclarecimento e a responsabilidade médica”, Responsabilidade Civil dos Médicos, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, Publicações do Centro de Direito Biomédico, 11, 2005, pp. 435-497.
  6. —  O Bem-Estar Animal no Direito Civil e na Investigação Científica”, in Neves, Maria do Céu Patrão (Org.), Bioética ou Bioéticas na Evolução das Sociedades, Coimbra, 2005, pp. 151-163.
  7. — “A Capacidade para Consentir”, in Monteiro, António Pinto (Org.), A Parte Geral do Código Civil e a Teoria Geral do Direito Civil, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2006, pp. 199-249.
  8. —, “Eugenismo? Da ‘Doença Incurável que Importe Aberração Sexual’ ao Diagnóstico Genético Pré-implantatório’, in João Rui Pita/ Ana Leonor Pereira (Coord.), Rotas da Natureza. Cientistas, Viagens, Expedições, Instituições, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra/ Coimbra University Press, 2007, pp. 201-212.
  9. — “’Tiro aos pombos’ – a Jurisprudência criadora de Direito,” Organizadores: Dias, Jorge de Figueiredo/ Canotilho, José Joaquim Gomes/ Costa, José de Faria, ARS IUDICANDI Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Castanheira Neves, Volume II: Direito Privado, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2008, pp. 539-569.
  10.  “A Característica da Inércia dos Direitos Reais: Brevíssima Reflexão sobre o Princípio da Publicidade”, (Organizador: Diogo Leite de Campos) Livro de Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Manuel Henrique Mesquita, Volume II, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2009, pp. 479-496.
  11. — “Responsabilidade Médica e Medicina Defensiva”, in José de Oliveira (Coord.), Estudos de Direito da Bioética, Vol. III, Ascensão, Coimbra, Almedina, 2009, 171-191.
  12. — Declarações Antecipadas de Vontade – Congresso Fim de Vida e Direito Penal
  13. — “Servidões Prediais e Obrigações propter rem”, in Comemorações dos 35 Anos do Código Civil – Direito das Coisas, Henrique Mesquita (Org.), no prelo.
  14. – “Cidadania no fim de vida: o Testamento de Paciente e o Procurador de Cuidados de Saúde”, Ordem dos Advogados, Porto, forthcoming.

Journal Articles

  1. Pereira, André Gonçalo Dias, “Formulários para prestação do Consentimento: uma proposta para o seu controlo jurídico”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 2000, pp. 433-472;
  2. “Tutela Possessória das Servidões”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 2000, pp. 473-518.
  3. “A Dignidade do Ser Humano e a Evolução da Biomedicina”, Notícias Médicas, n.º 2694, 4 de Julho de 2001, Ano 30º, pp. 4-7.
  4. — “Final de Vida: Cuidados Paliativos ou Eutanásia?”, Revista Sinais Vitais, n.º 45, Novembro de 2002, pp. 19-21.
  5. “Eugenismo Laboral – Realidade ou Ficção?”, Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, N.º 24/25, Jan.Fev./ Mar.-Abr. 2003, pp. 70-73.
  6. “Sobre o Internamento Compulsivo de Portadores de Tuberculose - Anotação ao Acórdão da Relação do Porto de 24 de Fevereiro de 2002“, in Lexmedicinae – Revista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, Ano 1, n.º 1, 2004, pp. 135-142.
  7. — “O Cadáver no Direito”, Revista de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX n.º 5 (2005), pp. 401-410.
  8. — “Tiro aos Pombos na Jurisprudência Portuguesa”, Cadernos de Direito Privado 12, Out-Dez 2005, 21-53.
  9. — “Assunção do Risco em Actividades Desportivas no Direito Português. Comentário ao Acórdão da Cour de cassation, 2e civ. 4 juill. 2002, Recueil Dalloz 2003, Jur.Comm., p. 519ss.”, Direito & Desporto (2006), pp. 421-435.
  10. — “Os Direitos dos Utentes Seropositivos nos Lares de Terceira Idade”, Lex MedicinaeRevista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, N.º 5, (2006), 145-158.
  11. — “O Consentimento (informado) na Actividade Forense”, Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal (2005), Ano XIV, N.º 15, pp. 9-44.
  12. – “Sigilo Médico! E o do Advogado?”, Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal (2005), Ano XIV, N.º 15, pp. 119-132.
  13. – “Discriminação de um trabalhador portador de VIH/SIDA: estudo de caso”, Lex MedicinaeRevista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, N.º 6, 2006, pp. 121-135.
  14. – “Limitation Periods: searching for a European Common Core”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, Vol. LXXXII (2006), 583-612.
  15. – “Dever de Documentação, Acesso ao Processo Clínico e sua Propriedade. Uma perspectiva europeia”, Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal (2006), Ano XV, N.º 16, pp. 9-24.
  16. – “Responsabilidade civil dos médicos: danos hospitalares – alguns casos da jurisprudência”, Lex MedicinaeRevista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, N.º 7, 2007, 53-67.
  17. – “Cirurgião Seropositivo: do Pânico ao Direito”, Lex MedicinaeRevista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, Ano 4, n.º8, 2007, 97-114.
  18. – “Responsabilidade Civil em Eventos Desportivos”, Direito & Desporto, Revista Jurídica do Desporto, Ano V – N.º 14, Janeiro/ Abril 2008, 227-265.
  19. – “Existing Chalenges in Medical Liability: Causation, Burden of Proof and Informed Consent”, Lex MedicinaeRevista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde – Ano 5 – n.º 10 (2008), pp. 107-114;
  20. – “Meios de reacção contra os Clubes de Futebol incumpridores das suas obrigações: salários em atraso, não pagamento das contribuições à segurança social e das dívidas fiscais”, Revista Direito & Desporto, Ano VI, N.º17, Janeiro/ Abril 2009, pp. 269-291.
  21. – “A transposição da Directiva sobre Ensaios Clínicos de Medicamentos para uso humano no direito português.” Lex Medicinae – Revista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, Ano 6, N.º 11, Janeiro/ Junho 2009, pp. 5-28.
  22. – “Non-pecuniary damages after death or severe bodily injury due to car accidents: a survey on Portuguese Case Law”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, 2009.
  23. – “Em defesa dos direitos dos doentes!” Sol, 24 de Agosto de 2009,
  24. – “ Responsabilidade civil dos médicos”, Iberografias: Revista de estudos ibéricos, 5 (2009), 165-174.
  25. – O Dever de sigilo do médico: um roteiro da lei portuguesa, Revista Portuguesa do Dano Corporal (19), 2009, p. 9-50.

On-line publication:

  1. Congresso Virtual “Sigilo Médico e SIDA: breves apontamentos” ( )

  1. Nota de Apresentação à obra de Luís Duarte Manso/ Nuno Teodósio Oliveira, Teoria Geral do Direito Civil – Casos Práticos Resolvidos, Lisboa, Quid Juris Editora, 2005.

  1. Alessandro Scarso, Alessandro P. SCARSO, Studi di Diritto Privato, Collana diretta da F.D. BUSNELLI — S. PATTI — V. SCALISI — P. ZATTI, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2006, 240 S. (ISBN/EAN 9-788834-866368), Euro 26,00., in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, 83, 2007, p. 977-980.


  1. Rotman, Edgardo, “O Conceito de Prevenção do Crime”, Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal, 8 (1998): pp. 319-371.


  1. Canotilho, J.J. Gomes (Coord.), Pereira, André G. Dias et al.), Direitos Políticos e Sociais na C.P.L.P., Ius Gentium Conimbrigae, Coimbra, 1998.
  2. Pereira, André Dias/ Oliveira, Guilherme de, “A Convenção Europeia dos Direitos do Homem e da Biomedicina e o direito nacional: alguns pontos de conflito. Por uma nova legislação de Direito da Medicina”, Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, 23, Nov.-Dez. 2002, pp.10-12.
  3. Pereira, André G. Dias / Oliveira, Guilherme de, “Actividade Farmacêutica e Consentimento Informado”, Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, 30, Jan. ‑Fev. 2004, pp. 30-31.
  4. Monteiro, J. Sinde / Pereira, André Dias, “Surety Protection in Portugal”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, 2005, Vol. LXXXI, pp. 727-746.
  5. Raposo, Vera/ Pereira, André, “Primeiras Notas Sobre A Lei Portuguesa De Procriação Medicamente Assistida (Lei n.º 32/2006, de 26 de Julho),” Lex Medicinae: Revista Portuguesa de Direito da Saúde, 2006, n.º 6, pp. 89-104.
  6. Oliveira, Guilherme de/ Pereira, André Dias, Guia Prático do Consentimento Informado, in

B – Publications abroad


Chapters of books

  1. — “Portuguese Country Report”, in Taupitz, Jochen (Ed.), The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe: a Suitable Model for a World-Wide Regulation?, Berlin, Heidelberg, [etc.], Springer, 2002, pp. 705-738.
  2. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, Helmut / Steininger, Barbara (eds.), European Tort Law 2001, Wien-New York, Springer, 2002, pp. 400-416.
  3. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, Helmut / Steininger, Barbara (eds.), European Tort Law 2002, Wien-New York, Springer, 2003, pp. 345-363.
  4. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, Helmut / Steininger, Barbara (Eds.), European Tort Law 2003, Wien-New York, Springer, 2004, pp. 333-350.
  5. — “Country Report Brazil”, in Koziol, Helmut / Steininger, Barbara (Eds.), European Tort Law 2003, Wien-New York, Springer, 2004, pp. 453-461.
  6. — “A crescente ‘europeização’ do Direito da Saúde”, in Gomes, Fábio Luiz (Org.), Estudos Multidiscipinares sobre Integração, Rio de Janeiro, Lumen Juris, 2004, pp. 22-38.
  7. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, H. / Steininger, B. (Eds.), European Tort Law 2004, Wien-New York, Springer, 2005, pp.479-509.
  8. — “Portuguese Tort Law: A comparison with the Principles of European Tort Law”, in Koziol, H. / Steininger, B. (Eds.), European Tort Law 2004, Wien-New York, Springer, 2005, pp. 623-648.
  9. – “Transfer of Title in Portuguese Law”, in Rainer, Johannes Michael / Filip-Fröschl, Johanna (eds./Hrsg.) Transfer of Title Concerning Movables - Part I/ Eigentumsübertragung an beweglichen Sachen in Europa - Teil I: Introduction, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Band 18, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, Peter Lang Verlag, 2006, pp. 129-153.
  10. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, H. / Steininger, B. (Eds.), European Tort Law 2005, Wien-New York, Springer, 2006, pp. 483-507.
  11. Responsabilidade Civil Médica na Europa: Objectivação da Responsabilidade e Consentimento Informado, in Nigre, André Luis/ Almeida, Álvaro Henrique Teixeira de, (Coord.), Direito e Medicina – um estudo interdisciplinar, Rio de Janeiro, Lumen Iuris, 2007, pp. 99-143.
  12. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, H. / Steininger, B. (Eds.), European Tort Law 2006, Wien-New York, Springer, 2008, pp. 394-408.
  13. — “Limitation Periods in EC Law”, in Koziol, Helmut / Schulze, Reiner (eds.), Tort Law of the European Community, Wien New York, Springer, 2008, pp. 293-307.
  14. — “Country Report Portugal”, in Koziol, H. / Steininger, B. (Eds.), European Tort Law 2008, Wien-New York, Springer, 2009, 526-540.

Articles (international journals)

  1. “Formulários para prestação do Consentimento: uma proposta para o seu controlo jurídico”, Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica de Petrópolis, Brasil, 2001, pp. 65-90.
  2. —„Handeln auf eigene Gefahr beim Fußballspiel aus Sicht des portugiesischen Rechts: assunção do risco“, European Review of Private Law/ Revue Européenne de Droit Privé/ Europäische Zeitschrift Für Privatrecht, Volume 12, No. 1, 2004, pp. 119-128.
  3. — Strict Liability Caps for road accidents, GPR – Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht/ European Community Private Law Review/ Revue de droit privé communautaire, 2/2005, pp. 69-71.
  4. — “O dever de esclarecimento e a responsabilidade médica”, Revista dos Tribunais, 2005, ano 94, São Paulo, pp. 69-109.
  5. — “Novos Desafios da Responsabilidade Médica: Uma proposta para o Ministério Público”, Direito e Sociedade – Revista do Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná, Volume 3, Número 2, Julho/Dezembro 2004, pp. 35-58.
  6. – “Discriminação de um Trabalhador Portador de VIH/AIDS: Reflexão à Luz do Direito Português”, Revista Brasileira de Direito Médico e da Saúde, N.º 7, 2006, pp. 7-34.
  7. – “Advanced Directives: Binding or Merely Indicative?”, Book of Proceedings of the XIVth World Congress on Medical Law, Vol. 2, Toulouse, August 2006, pp.  1151-1153.
  8. A característica da inércia dos direitos reais: brevíssima reflexão sobre o princípio da publicidade”, RIPE – Revista do Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos, Bauru, v. 43, n. 50, p. 13-30, jul./dez. 2008.
  1. – “A Procriação Medicamente Assistida em Portugal, à Luz da Lei n.º 32/2006, de 26 de Julho”, Revista Brasileira de Direito Médico e da Saúde (2007) n.º 8, pp. 107-131.
  2. – “A falência do Estado Contemporâneo e os Direitos Sociais”, Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho, 16.ª Região, Jan/ Dez 2006, S. Luís.
  3. – “Responsabilidade civil dos médicos e dos hospitais – análise crítica de alguns casos da jurisprudência”, Revista Jurídica da UNDB, Maranhão, Brasil.
  4. – “Dever de Documentação, Acesso ao Processo Clínico e sua Propriedade. Uma perspectiva europeia.”, Revista Jurídica da UNIFIL, vol. 4, 2007, pp. 25-35.
  5. – “La responsabilità medica in Portogallo”, Responsabilità civile e Previdenza, Milano, Itália, 2007, pp. 2460-2469.
  6. – “The Law of Assisted Reproduction in Portugal (Law no. 32/2006, of 26 July)” (in Japanese), Osaka Law Review, Vol. 58, No. 1 (No.253), May 2008, pp. 225-236.
  7. – “Portuguese Civil Law: a brief survey” (in Japanese), Meiji Gakuin Law Review, No. 84, 2008, pp. 97-122.
  8. – “Sutradhar (FC) (Appellant) v. Natural Environment Research Council (Respondents) [2006] UKHL 33 – Portuguese Case Note”, European Review of Private Law/ Revue Européenne de Droit Privé/ Europäische Zeitschrift Für Privatrecht, Vol. 16, No. 3–2008, pp. 513-521 .
  9. – “Responsabilidade Médica em Portugal”, Revista Brasileira de Direito Médico e da Saúde, Vol. X, 2007, p. 147-168 (ISBN 85-89501-55-8).
  10. “Responsabilidade Médica e Medicina Defensiva”, Revista Brasileira de Direito Médico e da Saúde, Editora Livro Rápido, Recife, 2008. ISSN 1983-411X Ano IV, n. 15, pp. 33 a 56.
  11. – “Advance Directives: Binding or Merely Indicative? Incoherence of the Portuguese National Council of Ethics for the Life Sciences and Insufficiencies of Newly Proposed Regulation.” European Journal of Health Law, Volume 16, Number 2, 2009, pp. 165-171(7).


  1.  “Country Report Portugal”, FALCONE PROJECT JHA/2001/FAL/122, Trafficking in Human Organs. Coordinator: Institute for Procedural Studies (IDME) – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens/ Commission of the European Union, 2003.


  1. Pereira, André, EU-CHINA Human Rights Network: “HIV/AIDS – Legal aspects”.
  2. Pereira, André, EU-CHINA Human Rights Network: "Stigma and discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS in the workplace, in health care facilities, in accessing treatment, and in society: Topics for discussion,
  3. Pereira, André, L'assistance médicale à la procréation au Portugal Loi parlementaire n° 32/2006 du 26 juillet 2006,

As collaborator
  1. “Contributor” na obra: B.Winiger/ H. Koziol/ B.A. Koch/ R. Zimmermann, Digest of European Tort Law, Volume 1: Essential Causes on Natural Causation, Springer, Wien- New York, 2007.

Prefaces (international)
  1. Prefácio da obra de Luciana Mendes Pereira Roberto, Responsabilidade Civil do Profissional de Saúde & Consentimento Informado, Curitiba, Juruá Editora, 2005.


  1. Monteiro, Jorge Sinde/ Andrade, Manuel da Costa/ Costa, José de Faria, with the collaboration of André Pereira, “Country Report Portugal”, in: Deutsch, Erwin/ Taupitz, Jochen (Eds.), Freedom and Control of Biomedical Research, The planned revision of the Declaration of Helsinki, Berlin, Heidelberg, [etc.], Springer, 1999, pp. 149-154.


  1. Monteiro, Jorge Sinde / Pereira, André Dias, Landesbericht Portugal, in (Taupitz, Jochen, (Hrsg./ed.), Zivilrechtliche Regelungen zur Absicherung der Patientenautonomie am Ende des Lebens - eine internationale Dokumentation/ Regulations of Civil Law to Safeguard the Autonomy of Patients at the End of their Life - an International Documentation, Springer-Verlag, 2000, pp. 819-866.
  2. Loureiro, João Carlos/ Pereira, André Dias, “Portuguese Report”, in Deutsch, E.; Schreiber, H.-L.; Spickhoff, A.; Taupitz, J. (Hrsg.), Die klinische Prüfung in der Medizin / Clinical Trials in Medicine ‑ Europäische Regelungswerke auf dem Prüfstand / European Rules on Trial, Springer, 2004, pp. 259-293.
  3. Monteiro, Jorge Sinde/ Pereira, André G. D., “Portuguese Report”, in H.W. Rogers (Ed.), Unification of Tort Law: Multiple Tortfeasors, Principles of European Tort Law, vol. 9, The Hague/London/New York: Kluwer Law International, 2004, pp. 167-173.
  4. Monteiro, Jorge Sinde/ Pereira, André G. D., “Portuguese Report: Unfair sureties”, A Colombi Ciacchi (ed), Protection of Non-Professional Sureties in Europe: Formal and Substantive Disparity, Baden Baden, Nomos, 2007, pp. 231-246.



  1. J. Sinde Monteiro/ A. Pereira, “Princípios Europeus de Responsabilidade Civil”, EUROPEAN GROUP ON TORT LAW, Principles of European Tort Law, Springer, 2005, 251-257.