quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2011

LEUVEN, 7 de Outubro de 2011

10:45 - 12:15André Dias Pereira:
Selection of legal rules concerning civil medical liability both in the public sector and in private practice, in Portugal - are aging and frail people more victims of mistakes than younger people

13:15 - 14:00
The role of the family members and close persons in health care treatment of incompetent patients. A European overview

André Pereira (Centre for Biomedical Law – Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra - Governor of the World Association for Medical Law)

CHAIR: Anne-Marie Duguet

Fundação Portuguesa “A Comunidade Contra a Sida”

Descrição da Fundação Portuguesa
A Comunidade Contra a Sida

A Fundação Portuguesa “A Comunidade Contra a SIDA”, ONG, foi constituída em 29 de

Dezembro de 1993, com estatuto de IPSS. Tem a sua sede em Lisboa e delegações regionais

em Setúbal, Porto, Coimbra, Vila Real e Madeira. Em 2001 criou o primeiro Centro de

Aconselhamento e Orientação de Jovens (CAOJ), em Lisboa, e a partir de 2003 pôs a funcionar

os CAOJ de Setúbal, Porto e Coimbra. Estes serviços foram, inicialmente, responsáveis pelo

desenvolvimento do Projecto Nacional de Educação pelos Pares, projecto de Educação para a

Sexualidade e Prevenção da Sida, desenvolvido em parceria com Escolas com 3º ciclo do

Ensino Básico.

A principal missão da Fundação é promover a mobilização da comunidade na luta contra a

SIDA, intervindo de forma preventiva, prestando apoio a seropositivos, doentes com SIDA e

seus familiares, formando técnicos e voluntários. Aposta na difusão de informação, na

educação preventiva da infecção pelo VIH, no aconselhamento psicossocial, e incentiva a

investigação científica, quer na área da medicina, quer na da psicossociologia. Os seus

objectivos são o apoio a infectados e afectados pelo VIH/SIDA, procurando através da

investigação, desenhar programas de intervenção adequados às necessidades das pessoas

infectadas e afectadas pelo VIH.

Além do Projecto Nacional de Educação pelos Pares, a Fundação tem implementado projectos

de prevenção do VIh/SIDA em reclusos, trabalhadores do sexo, formando ainda as famílias na

Educação para o Tratamento Anti-retrovírico.

domingo, setembro 11, 2011

Pós-Graduação em Psicologia e Psiquiatria Forense

Dr. André Pereira
10 SET. / 2011
11H30 -12H30
15H00 – 16H00


Funchal 15th September 2011 - IAFS - WAML

15 september
Chairman: Thomas Noguchi and Rex Ferris
- Confidentiality in forensic expertise’s and the duty to protect vulnerable persons. (André Pereira)
- The issue of consent in forensic practice. (Eduardo Dantas)
- Research on living victims, human tissues, cadavers and body parts: opting out or opting in systems. (Marcella Fierro)
18.30 – 19.00: Discussion

Programa de Bioética e Direito Médico

Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal - Lisboa
17 Setembro – Sábado

         9-11h            Introdução ao Direito da Medicina: A relação médico-paciente
                                                                   André Pereira
        11-13h        Emergência da Responsabilidade Médica
                                                                   André Pereira

                  14-16h       Consentimento informado: o dever de esclarecimento
                                                                   André Pereira
         16-18h            Consentimento informado: a capacidade de consentir;
                                  o direito à recusa de tratamento
                                                                André Pereira

1 Outubro – Sábado

  14-16h      Investigações em seres humanos e ensaios clínicos de   medicamentos                                                                                                   André Pereira
       16-18h       Transplante de órgãos e tecidos de origem humana e                                                          utilização de cadáveres para fins de ensino e investigação
                                                                      André Pereira

quinta-feira, setembro 08, 2011

Coimbra International Symposium - Final letter

Dear Professors,
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Participants,

On behalf of Prof. Dr. Guilherme de Oliveira, I am very happy to acknowledge our gratitude for all your efforts in order to make the Coimbra International Symposium a real success!

Your generosity in coming to Coimbra and spending some days with us to share knowledge and experience will always be in our memory.

There were speakers and participants from more than 10 countries: Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Brazil, United States, and Mauritius.

There were as many Speakers from abroad as from Portugal and a true international debate has taken place these two days, in an atmosphere of free thinking, free expression and tolerance.

We also would like to point out the high quality of all the presentations, but allow me a special reference of true appreciation for the papers presented by very young researchers, some under 25 years of age.

As you witnessed, the audience was highly motivated and all sessions had an impressive presence of participants.

All in all, there were more than 70 participants in our Symposium!

The WORLD ASSOCIATION FOR MEDICAL LAW has endorsed this International Symposium and was represented by a speech (on video) by our President, Prof. Dr. Thomas Noguchi, and a Vice-President, several Governors, former Governors and other leading members of this international scientific organization were present in this Symposium.
This was very important for the Centre for Biomedical Law and we thank Prof. Noguchi and the Executive Committee for their trust!

As you were told during the conference, you are all welcome to join the WAML and participate in its activities. http://www.thewaml.com/

Don’t forget! The next WORLD CONGRESS ON MEDICAL LAW will take place in Maceio, Brazil, from 7 to 10 August 2012, organized by our colleague and Vice-President of the WAML, Eduardo Dantas.

I also would like to inform you that WAML (World Association for Medical Law) will be back in Portugal, in Madeira, from 12-17 September 2011, in a special session at the 19TH WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, organized by the President of the IAFS, Prof. Dr. Duarte Nuno Vieira.

Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Duguet (Professor of University of Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier); President of the « Association de Recherche et de Formation en Droit Médical » and organizer of the Summer School on Health Law and Bioethics) deserves a very special word of gratitude for all her efforts to bring together so many researchers of Medical Law in Toulouse and to “spread the news” all over Europe through very successful Summer Courses on Bioethics and Medical Law in Toulouse and other Universities.

Last but not least...,
in order to publish a book, we would like to receive the final written presentations of the Speakers until the 1st October 2011. It will be published in English, (probably) by an Editor from Coimbra, which sells on-line; thus the book can be bought all over Europe and all over the world. Authors will receive a few copies of the book (to be negotiated with the editor).

My very best regards,

André Pereira
Coimbra, 14th July 2011